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Key Steps to Create a Transcendent Culture by CEO of FiveStars

Victor Ho, FiveStars CEO discusses the key steps to create a transcendent culture – interviewed by Tom Mohr, Founder and CEO at CEO Quest


The Riddle Cracker’s Manifesto: Part 2

In Defense of the Founding CEO In Part 1, an approach to leadership was presented to guide the founding CEO’s scaling of a company from white board drawing to greatness. At every stage, CEO effectiveness is determined by the ability to crack the right riddle at the right time. As a company scales there are key riddle stages: prove the idea, prove the product, prove the market, prove theRead more


The Riddle Cracker’s Manifesto: Part 1

In Defense of the Founding CEO Consider this a call to arms. Founding tech CEOs are in peril. The risk to their jobs growing steadily as they scale. Given all they have given, the fact that so many founding CEOs falter is tragic. How can we help these startup heads hold the helm as they lead their companies from stage to stage on the path towards greatness? Is thereRead more